What Are They Feeding These Girls Whooty

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Hooty is the titular character of The Owl House. A house demon attached to the door of the Owl House, he serves as its protector and the house itself.


Hooty has a wooden light beige owl face with a darker orange upper side, with brown eyes and an orange beak. Behind the door where he is placed, there is the back frame of his owl body with wings and two peepholes attached where his eyes normally are. While Hooty has been described as a house demon, his specific type was revealed to be a bug demon.[1] As a bug demon, owing to his extensive brown "neck", Hooty can stretch and move around in worm-like fashion, and extend his mouth to allow visitors entry to the house or swallow items for storage. His overall appearance is similar to a barn owl, as in "Hooty's Moving Hassle", his legs can be seen underneath the house. His anatomy has a peculiar nature, as "Echoes of the Past" suggests he is at least partially an organic creature when separating himself from the door reveals veins and organs spilling from the gap. "O Titan, Where Art Thou" later reveals he has several rows of teeth inside his mouth running down to his stomach, along with a second "head" that is obscured at the back of his mouth.

When Hooty's skin is removed, only his skeleton can be seen, and his skull resembles that of an owl's skull.[2]


Hooty is shown to be a jovial and very welcoming creature, often greeting visitors to the Owl House and trying to be accepted as part of a group activity. He is rather talkative and claims to have many stories of his experiences to share, but he rarely, if ever, gets to share them since most people, including the inhabitants of the Owl House, consider him to be annoying.

Hooty playing hard to get, which frustrates King.

King refers to him as being desperate for attention. He is easily annoyed by the neglect which Eda and King throw at him, but nevertheless offers help if needed. Hooty can also be passive-aggressive at times. In "Adventures in the Elements", King refused to let him into his boot camp, causing Hooty to play "hard to get" when King comes to him for help later. Because of his station in life, being bound to the house, most of his activities and hobbies involve talking, telling riddles, listening to music, and rolling around in the mud.

Much like Eda and King, Hooty also has a cheeky and mischievous streak to his personality, occasionally being amused by seeing people getting hurt or poking fun at other people's bad luck. However, Eda also claims that despite his annoying tendencies, he still finds his way into her heart.

Like real owls, Hooty is also aggressive and territorial. In the short "Art Lessons with Luz", he mistakes Luz's painting of himself as another owl trying to take his territory, prompting him to freak out and tear up the drawing. Despite this, he usually won't make this mistake if he sees the person creating the art of himself.

Hooty crying hysterically, thinking he failed to help everyone.

Hooty can also be quite emotional at times. In "Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door", he cries and pulls himself away every time when he thinks he failed to help King, Eda, and Luz. After thinking he failed for a third time, Hooty has a nervous breakdown. He decides that everyone in the Owl House will be better off without him and tries to leave, going so far as to ripping himself out of the door in an attempt to get away from the house, all while crying hysterically. It is only until Eda and King convince him that he did end up helping them and seeing Luz and Amity hold hands together that he finally calms down and cries happily, knowing that he did help everyone.



Hooty casually fighting off the Coven Scouts trying to attack him.

Hooty's origins are currently unknown. When talking about his past, Hooty mentions that it all started with a hunt and the skies were blood red.[3] He supposedly has a mother, but it is unknown what happened to her or if she is still alive.[1] Eda met Hooty prior to stumbling upon King on an island, and they have been together for at least eight years.[4] Hooty mentioned that Eda acted as a teacher to him sometime in the past, but the events of this interaction are vague at best.[5]

First days with Luz

What is known about Hooty is that he is widely considered to be annoying and is often the butt of many jokes. At the same time, Hooty also acts as the guardian of the Owl House and protects the inhabitants from being attacked by enemies, such as Coven Scouts from the Emperor's Coven.[6]

When Luz first arrives in the Demon Realm, Hooty is described as a "state-of-the-art defense system" by Eda Clawthorne. After Eda and Luz first arrive at the Owl House, Hooty asks for a password, but is instead poked in the eyes by the Owl Lady.[7]

A day after Luz's arrival, Hooty greets the human, but accidentally startles her into karate chopping his face. He later tells Luz to have a nice trip when she leaves to do some errands for Eda. When Luz goes on a quest given to her by Adegast, Eda asks Hooty where the human went. He tries to give her a riddle, but the annoyed Owl Lady smashes one of the house walls with her fist. This causes Hooty to yelp in pain and tell Eda that she went to a forest towards Bonesborough.[8]

Hooty serves as the sentient doorknocker located on the Owl House's front door, but is also the house itself and controls several of its utilities, such as the lights.[9] After King and Luz unknowingly take Eda's elixir, she transforms into the Owl Beast and rips his off his hinges, causing the lights to go out. However, once Eda returns to her normal form, Hooty is tended to by Luz and joins the "Boo-Boo Buddies" club.[10]

During the Moonlight Conjuring, Luz, Willow, and Gus accidentally make the Owl House mobile and take Hooty for a joyride. After they are almost thrown off a cliff by Animal Control, the teenagers get back inside and return to the house's original location.[11]

Throughout Luz's first few weeks in the Isles, she, Eda, and King treat Hooty with neglect on account of his "annoying" demeanor and his tendency to get himself exceedingly filthy while playing in mud.[12]

Hooty would often guard the occupants of the Owl House from the Emperor's Coven; after defeating the Coven Scouts, Hooty would have a tea party with them. These tea parties would traumatize the scouts.[6]

Befriending Lilith

After Lilith took on half of Eda's curse and started living in the Owl House, Hooty would constantly try to befriend her. When Lilith was gathering ingredients for a scrying potion, he followed her around against her wishes. After she berates him, Hooty watches her go after fire bee honey, noticing her depleted magic fail her. Hooty comes to her rescue and helps Lilith get the honey for the potion, and the two slowly bond as she tends to his stings.[13]

Hooty watches Lilith experiment with glyphs, and soon after, joins her and Luz on an expedition to an uncharted island. He and Lilith start to believe King's rants about his supposed grandeur until they are attacked by a guardian entity, and Eda rescues them, revealing that she told King everything he believed. Hooty and Lilith distract the guardian as Luz and Eda take King to the tower. After King learns that his father might be alive, Hooty agrees to King's request to take the guardian home, despite the others coldly rejecting the notion.[4]

When Gwendolyn comes to visit, Hooty counsels Lilith on her mother hyper-focusing on Eda and becomes horrified when Lilith transforms into her cursed form. After Gwendolyn and Luz turn the sisters back to normal, Hooty tearfully says goodbye to Lilith as she returns to her parents' house to catch up with them, but the two become pen pals instead.[14]

Helping his housemates

As the residents of the Owl House struggle with personal issues - King trying to figure out who he really is, Eda struggling to figure out a plan to stop Belos, and Luz attempting to build a new portal while also wishing to ask out Amity, Hooty takes it upon himself to help them with some encouragement from Lilith. After eating King and regurgitating him in the tower behind the Owl House, Hooty tries to help him find out what kind of demon he is: bug, biped, or beast. For the first test, he instructs King to perform a dance to show if he is a bug demon, but this backfires when he unintentionally insults Hooty's mother. To test him being a biped demon next, Hooty has him fight Tinella Nosa, only for King to last not even five seconds with her potent magic. Tinella Nosa takes a blood sample from King to check if he is a beast, but the results come back inconclusive. While Hooty reassures him that he is who he is, King berates him for lying about having answers, causing him to let out a sonic scream that ripples around the tower and surrounding area. Hooty, having failed miserably, sobs hysterically and leaves King alone.

To help Eda, Hooty gives her cookies spiked with sleeping nettles. As Eda is out cold, she makes an alliance with the Owl Beast and gains a new harpy form, a hybrid between her normal body and the Owl Beast's. However, Hooty is dismayed, and believing he has failed again, dashes away.

After overhearing Luz's desire to ask Amity out, Hooty devises a plan to motivate the human. He creates a cheesy tunnel of love and kidnaps Amity, leaving a note for Luz to head to the basement. Once she finds Amity in an owl pellet, Hooty opens a trapdoor, and the girls fall into the tunnel of love. While Amity is impressed and likes the idea, even blushing at how cute it is, Luz freaks out and destroys the ride, not wanting Amity to believe that she is weird. This ends up hurting Amity, who now thinks that the idea of them dating was stupid all along. Hooty, firmly believing that he can't help anyone, tries to pull his entire body out of the door of the Owl House.

In his distress, Hooty causes a slab of rock to almost crush Luz and Amity, but King uses his sonic scream to break it. Eda seizes an opportunity, urging Luz to ask Amity out now while she and King settle Hooty. Despite her nervousness, Luz gathers the courage to speak to Amity, and the girls finally ask each other out, starting their relationship. Hooty sobs happily, now knowing that he has helped the residents of the Owl House. He informs Lilith of these events in a letter and mails it out just as a figure resembling King approaches and gives him a letter for the latter. However, Hooty eats it when a bug crawls on it and disregards the letter as junk mail.[1]

When Luz contracts the common mold, Hooty, Gus, and Willow look after her while Eda, Amity, and King go to Eclipse Lake to try and find Titan's Blood.[15] After Amity saves some blood from the portal key on her glove, Hooty, Eda, and King manage to construct a portal and hold a safety rope tied to Luz as she goes inside. They pull her out when the portal starts to implode.[16]

Coven Day Parade and Titan Trapper Island

During the Coven Day Parade, Hooty and King create an effigy to distract the Coven Scouts while Luz and Eda grab Kikimora and Raine. He watches with the rest of his companions as Emperor Belos addresses the witches of the Boiling Isles about the Day of Unity being a month away.[2]

Shortly after, Hooty hosts a party for Lilith after she becomes curator of the Supernatural History Museum and speaks with Dell.[17]

After Luz and Hunter are trapped in Belos' mindscape, Hooty puts the Owl House on lockdown and talks with Flapjack about Hunter. Hooty soon gives Eda and King a potion prepared by Raine, Darius, and Eberwolf to free Luz and Hunter. Once they are freed, Hunter runs away,[18] and Luz tells Hooty, King, and Eda about Belos being a human witch hunter.[19] As Hooty and King hug Luz to comfort her, Lilith arrives, and overjoyed, Hooty vomits up the letter addressed to King that he previously swallowed. After King convinces Eda to let him head to the location of his kin, Hooty goes with King and Luz to the location and are transported to a land known as Titan Trapper Island. As King appears to bond with others of his kind, Hooty goes with Luz to ask their leader, Bill, to help them defeat Belos. Bill brushes them off and claims that Titans are the greater threat, happy to have his people vow to take down the last Titan in order to free the "Grand Huntsman". After Bill describes Titans, Luz becomes uneasy, and Hooty raids a gift shop for Lilith. Upon finding skulls resembling King's and a mural of the Collector, they realize that the Titan Trappers worship him that and King is the last Titan. Hooty and Luz save King from being sacrificed, informing him that he is the last living Titan in the Demon Realm, and they flee Titan Trapper Island before they are slaughtered by the Titan Trappers.[19]

Preparing for the Day of Unity

Upon returning home, Hooty, Luz, and King learn that they have bounties on them and flee to the Owl House, only to find it looted by the Emperor's Coven. They find a clue left by Lilith, instructing them to go to the Knee. Once they reunite with the Clawthorne sisters, they tell them that King is a Titan, and Hooty gives Lilith the t-shirt he previously got from the gift shop. When Luz and Eda fly off to retrieve their belongings from the Emperor's Coven, Hooty tries to get Lilith to treat King as she usually would, but she ignores him, and when King mysteriously vanishes, prompting him and Lilith to search for him. They find King with Steve, which Hooty attacks, but they learn that King is alright and settle down. Soon, they regroup with Luz and Eda in Latissa, having joined a rebel group - the Covens Against the Throne.[20]

After planning for Eda to be branded with a Bard Coven sigil, in addition to taking Raine's place during the draining spell, Hooty goes to the head of the Titan with most of the CATs.[21] Hooty wishes Eda luck with Lilith and Raine, but they are discovered, and while Hooty, Lilith and the CATs are restrained, Raine is brought to the other Head Witches so the draining spell can commence as normally planned.[22]


Luz Noceda

Luz welcoming Hooty to the Boo-Boo Buddy Club in "The Intruder".

Hooty has not interacted much with Luz ever since she began living at the Owl House, although their relationship is shown to be marginally better than that shared with either Eda or King. She finds his habit of sneaking up behind her to be scary and even hit him the first time despite his protests that he was simply trying to say good morning. Luz also seems to find him annoying at times and will upright ignore him when something more important is taking place. Despite this, Hooty has been taken care of by Luz given that he is part of the house and as such Luz must attend to the house's regular cleaning duties, including cleaning him whenever he ends up being covered in mud. During the events of "The Intruder" Luz accepted him into the Boo-Boo Buddy Club after treating his injuries, which made Hooty very happy.

In "Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door", Hooty tries to help Luz ask Amity out by putting the two of them in the Tunnel of Love set up by him, which Luz desperately destroys, thinking that Amity will find this a lame way of her confessing her feelings. Luz then apologizes to Amity for this, saying that it was Hooty's stupid idea, but Amity despondently replies that she is leaving, saying that the idea of them dating was stupid. Luz is shocked by this, and Hooty once again believes he messed up. He starts crying hysterically and desperately tries to leave the Owl House, putting it at danger of collapsing. At the end of the episode, Luz ends up confessing her love for Amity and asks her out, to which Amity excitedly accepts. Upon seeing that, Hooty finally calms down and starts crying happily.

Eda Clawthorne

Eda confiding her feelings to Hooty in "Something Ventured, Someone Framed".

Eda has been shown to ignore and mistreat Hooty on a regular basis, going so far as to hit the walls of the house whenever he is being uncooperative and poking his eyes whenever he does not open the door immediately. However, Hooty does offer help when needed and has been shown to be useful when needed. According to Hooty, Eda acted as a mentor in magic to him some time ago. She was even shown to confide in him on occasion when she is feeling troubled or disappointed.

In "Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door", Hooty is worried about Eda not getting enough sleep, so he tricks Eda into eating cookies filled with sleeping nettles. While in her dreams, Eda manages to make a truce with the Owl Beast, and turns into Harpy Eda after she woke up. However Hooty, upon seeing that and not knowing what actually happened, pulls himself away in tears, thinking he just made Eda's situation worse.


Hooty explaining the history and physiology of demons to King in "Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door".

King's relationship with Hooty has been shown to be the most distant and cold of all his other interactions. King finds Hooty's voice to be annoying and considers him to be desperate. But unlike Eda's more physical intimidation, King is more verbally and emotionally abusive, merely calling him out on his behavior rather than attacking him in some form. Their relationship gets better during the events of "Adventures in the Elements", wherein King is forced to befriend Hooty in hopes of destroying his animated plush toy soldiers.

In "Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door", Hooty tries to help King figure out what kind of demon he is. Unfortunately, the result ends up inconclusive, so Hooty tells King that he and Tinella Nosa doesn't need to know that to be his friends. This upsets King, who thought Hooty had real answers. He becomes increasingly frustrated at his dad's absence, and shouts in anger, inadvertently unlocking his new voice powers. However, Hooty is too upset to notice that and pulls away in tears, not hearing King calling after him. At the end of the episode, a stranger asks Hooty to deliver a letter to King for him, but Hooty accidentally swallows the letter along with a bug.

Willow Park and Gus Porter

Willow, Gus and Hooty listening to mixed-up audio tracks in "Eclipse Lake".

Willow and Gus become acquainted with Hooty after their very first Moonlight Conjuring that took place at the Owl House, during the events of "Hooty's Moving Hassle". As is the case in his relationships with Luz, Eda, and King, Hooty is often ignored by Willow and Gus, usually whenever something more important is taking place. After several visits to the Owl House, the two young witches have come to consider him very unnerving and creepy. In the episode "Understanding Willow" Gus tries to interview Hooty for a school assignment after coming to the realization that Hooty must have been the cause of Eda and King's eccentric personalities, only for Hooty's obnoxious behavior to drive Gus away. Despite their dislike of him, Hooty appears to be oblivious of the fact that he is driving Willow and Gus away.

In "Eclipse Lake", Hooty's relationship with Willow and Gus improves as they work together to take care of Luz when she gets sick with the Common Mold.

Amity Blight

Hooty interrupting Amity in "Enchanting Grom Fright", which enrages her.

One of the most volatile relationships so far, Amity has shown nothing but hostility to Hooty since they first met during "Enchanting Grom Fright". For butting in on her conversations and invading her personal space, making her very annoyed, she has physically assaulted the enchanted doorknocker, resulting in Hooty having to wear an eye-patch and several bandages. Even so, Hooty is shown to be good towards her by giving her a lift to the couch to join the others at the end of "Wing It Like Witches".

In "Eclipse Lake", Hooty and Amity are finally on good terms as they work together to secure the perimeter of the Owl House from Emperor Belos.

Lilith Clawthorne

Lilith thanking Hooty for the cup of tea in "Echoes of the Past".

Hooty and Lilith were initially enemies. While Lilith was still the coven leader at the Emperor's Coven, she attempted to arrest Eda at her house. But Hooty, being a state-of-the-art defense system, easily defeated her and the Coven Scouts she brought along, utterly humiliating her.

This begins to change after Lilith moves into the Owl House. From the start of "Separate Tides", Lilith makes it clear that she did not want Hooty's help with collecting potion ingredients, but he still considers her his friend and tries to be the best friend he could. This consists of him calling her "Lulu" and following her when she was searching despite her protests. However, their relationship dramatically improved after Lilith realizes that she does, in fact, need help and Hooty comes to her rescue. After they return to the Owl House, they apologize to each other for their behavior and Hooty calls Lilith his best friend. Although she didn't reciprocate, Lilith gives Hooty the nickname "Hootsifer". She also offers to protect him from Luz, Eda, and King, who plan to draw faces on him. In "Keeping Up A-fear-ances," Hooty is greatly saddened when Lilith decides to move back in with her mother, as well as the fact he cannot personally write to her, since he can't hold a pen.

In "Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door", Hooty solves that by using a typewriter. In a previous letter he wrote, he mentioned that he feels unimportant while Luz, King and Eda are out on adventures. Lilith replies by saying that he is The Owl House itself and he takes care of everyone in it, which is a worthy purpose. Lilith's words inspire Hooty and he ends up trying to help King, Eda and Luz solve their problems.

Powers and abilities

  • House manipulation: Being the demonic component of the Owl House, Hooty has control over the architectural facets of the house. This extends to utilities, as Hooty can control the house lights.[9]
    • Door manipulation: Due to him being part of the front door, Hooty can open it at will. One method of opening the door involves Hooty stretching his mouth to encompass the entire surface of the door, thus allowing people to walk inside before shutting his beak back to normal size.
    • House alteration: Hooty can change his body, and therefore, the location's structure, in any way he wants. Notably, he can add pipes and electricity to the house.
      • House transportation: Hooty has demonstrated the magical ability to transport the Owl House by sprouting a pair of bird legs from the house's foundation and walking away with it. The full extent of this power is not currently known and was only used while under the influence of a Moonlight Conjuring, as shown during the events of "Hooty's Moving Hassle".
  • Elasticity: Hooty's most commonly used power is his ability to elongate his head, being able to stretch himself enough to enter the house, interact with his immediate surroundings or ensnare intruders. His elasticity makes him incredibly versatile in combat, allowing him to stretch circles around enemies, as seen when he fought Lilith and several members of the Emperor's Coven in "Agony of a Witch". He can move himself to great lengths effortlessly, and it is currently unknown what his limit is, or if he even has one. In "Escaping Expulsion", Hooty can stretch himself as a means of transportation, as he uses his elasticity to transport Luz to Hexside.
  • Owl physiology: Being an owl-like demon, he possesses all physical traits revolving around real owls, such as being able to puff his feathers when excited or alarmed, or even shedding feathers off his body.
    • Beak: Just like real-life birds, Hooty can use his beak as a means of attacking enemies. It is at least sharp enough to cut and tear through various objects, such as plush toys and papers. It is also strong enough to lift up a person as seen in "Escaping Expulsion".
    • Owl pellets: An ability that stems from his owl physiology, Hooty can sometimes regurgitate objects and beings within brown-green owl pellets.
  • Demonology: Being a demon himself, Hooty appears to have extensive knowledge of his fellow demons.
    • Communicative dance: As a bug demon, Hooty is able to understand the comitative dances used by fellow bug demons.
  • Enhanced strength: Despite his cheerful demeanor, Hooty is deceptively strong. He is able to lift Amity, Lilith, and a coven soldier off the ground with his neck, quickly smash his way underground for a surprise attack, and hit Lilith hard enough to send her flying into a tree.
  • Enhanced hearing: Hooty has excellent hearing, as seen in "I was a Teenage Abomination", where it is shown that he can hear Luz's footsteps despite her being quite some distance away at Hexside. Because of this, he is not a light sleeper, thus he can quickly react to a threat when the Emperor's Coven was trying to raid the house in "Agony of a Witch", even when they were several hundred feet away from him.
  • Portability: In "Echoes of the Past", it is revealed that Hooty is able to remove his head from his hole in the door and move to a cuckoo clock-like enclosure to make himself more mobile. However, he leaves behind some guts and veins in the hole in the process, since the house is a part of his body.
    • Protection: Hooty is able to coil his body around something to protect it. His body is very durable, meaning he can withstand a large amount of force. This can be used in his "Porta-Hooty" form, as seen in "Edge of the World".
    • Flotation: Hooty is able to rotate at fierce speeds like a helicopter propeller, and lift objects he is attached to up into the air. This is primarily used in his "Porta-Hooty" backpack, and is able to lift up people, as seen with Lilith in "O Titan, Where Art Thou."
  • Storage: Hooty can store things within himself and regurgitate them with ease.
  • Baking: According to Eda in "Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door", Hooty is an exceptional baker, making delicious cookies that look like his own face (even though they were spiked with sleeping nettles). He also made a crumble (that was mistaken for a cake by Tinella Nosa) for King's party that was accidentally ruined by King's sonic shout.
  • Longevity: According to Amity in "Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door", house demons tend to act strangely after a few thousand years. While Hooty's exact age is unknown, this statement at least confirms that house demons can live to be a few thousand years old.


Behind the scenes


Hooty is voiced by Alex Hirsch, who also voices King. Hooty's voice was originally a scratch recording made by Hirsch for the show's pilot, performing a bad impression of Mickey Mouse. Dana Terrace liked the voice and kept it for Hooty in the main series.[23]


Hooty debuted in the series premiere, "A Lying Witch and a Warden", and in Owl Pellets, he debuted in "Art Lessons with Luz".

Foreign voice actors

Language version Actors Notes
Argentina Spanish (Latin America) Tian Brass
Brazil Portuguese (Brazil) Felipe Zilse
Hong Kong Cantonese Frankie Chan Hon Ki (陳漢祺)
Taiwan Chinese Li Shi-Yang (李世揚)
Czech Republic Czech Radovan Klučka
Germany German Pascal Fligg
Denmark Danish Sonny Lahey
Spain Spanish Juan Enrique Palacios Fernández
France French Olivier Prémiel
Greece Greek Vassilis Milios (Βασίλης Μήλιος)
Hungary Hungarian Gábor Seder
Indonesia Indonesian Bambang Riyanto
Israel Hebrew Yuval Garbash (יובל גרבש)
Italy Italian Alessio De Filippis Name translate as Gufy
Japan Japanese Kenta Matsumoto (松本健太)
South Korea Korean Seo Ban-seok (서반석)
Netherlands Dutch Roel Dirven
Norway Norwegian Scott Maurstad
Poland Polish Wojciech Urbański
Portugal Portuguese Luís Nascimento
Thailand Thai Apichit Likhitlimpreecha (อภิชิต ลิขิตลิ้มปรีชา)
Turkey Turkish Mertkan Acar


The Owl House logo white.png

Click here to see Hooty's quotes.


Gallery promo.png
Click here to view the gallery.
Click here to view the designs for Hooty.
To view the various designs of Hooty, click here.


  • In a music video, Hooty is shown in a band called Hooty and the Parliament Owls Angelic.[24]
  • The whole house, not only the door he resides in, is a part of Hooty's body, so he can feel pain if the house is damaged (such as Eda cracking a wall in frustration).
  • In "Follies at the Coven Day Parade", it is revealed that Hooty can remove his skin.
  • As seen in "Art Lessons with Luz", Hooty cannot distinguish between a real person and a drawing and very easily freaks out as a result.
  • Before "Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door", Hooty's status as a demon was implied by the eyepatch demon hunter in "Hooty's Moving Hassle", as a type of demon known as a house demon. This was supported further in "Agony of a Witch", where Lilith also identifies Hooty as a house demon.
    • As a demon, Hooty is both a living creature and an object. In the episode "Something Ventured, Someone Framed", Hooty can be seen trying to catch flies in his beak and he mentions that he enjoys eating them, thus implying that he needs to eat in order to survive. This is further emphasized given that the Owl House is alive.
    • He, along with the Bat Queen, are the only known characters to be identified as being both sentient objects and demons at the same time.
  • In the Polish dub, he is portrayed as a female for unknown reasons despite being voiced by a male actor.
  • In an AMA Dana Terrace hosted, a fan asked a question regarding Hooty's complete length. To which the creator responded with "There is no beginning. There is no end. There is only... Hooty." This implies that Hooty's neck is infinite.[25]
  • According to Dana Terrace, Hooty has an evil twin called "Booty".[26]
  • He is 20% mucus as stated in "Once Upon a Swap".
  • Hooty is very likely inspired by the Slavic tale of Baba Yaga, who is said to live in a hut on chicken legs. This is supported by him growing legs in "Hooty's Moving Hassle".
  • Lilith's nickname for Hooty, "Hootsifer", is a reference to "Lucifer", one of the many names given to the Devil.
    • It might as well be a reference to "Calcifer", the fire demon from Howl's Moving Castle that similarly, is bound to their witch's house, and keeps it running.
  • He is able to remove himself from the door.
  • He hates wearing clothes.[21]
  • In "Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door", Amity mentions that house demons tend to act weird after a couple of thousand years, which could suggest that Hooty is at least a thousand years old.
    • However, it's unlikely that Amity knew the actual age of Hooty, and therefore considered this possibility simply as an explanation of Hooty's behavior.
    • If Hooty actually is a few thousand years old, he would be one of the oldest known living characters in the series to date, the other one being the Bat Queen.
  • Based on Hooty's anatomy diagram posted by Ryan Andrews on his Twitter, Hooty has teeth inside his stomach.[27]
    • This was confirmed in "O Titan, Where Art Thou" in the scene where Hooty is eating some fire bee by the campfire - he has teeth in his mouth, deep into his throat, making him look similar to the mouth of a Sarlacc from Star Wars episode VI.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Dana Terrace, John Bailey Owen, Zach Marcus (writers) and Amelia Lorenz (director) (July 31, 2021). "Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door". The Owl House. Season 2. Episode 8. Disney Channel.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Dana Terrace (writer) and Bo Coburn (director) (March 19, 2022). "Follies at the Coven Day Parade". The Owl House. Season 2. Episode 11. Disney Channel.
  3. John Bailey Owen (writer) and Aminder Dhaliwal (director) (August 1, 2020). "Understanding Willow". The Owl House. Season 1. Episode 15. Disney Channel.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Mikki Crisostomo (writer) and Bridget Underwood (director) (June 26, 2021). "Echoes of the Past". The Owl House. Season 2. Episode 3. Disney Channel.
  5. Zach Marcus (writer) and Sabrina Cotugno (director) (March 13, 2020). "Something Ventured, Someone Framed". The Owl House. Season 1. Episode 9. Disney Channel.
  6. 6.0 6.1 John Bailey Owen (writer) and Aminder Dhaliwal (director) (August 22, 2020). "Agony of a Witch". The Owl House. Season 1. Episode 18. Disney Channel.
  7. Dana Terrace, Rachel Vine (writers) and Stephen Sandoval (director) (January 10, 2020). "A Lying Witch and a Warden". The Owl House. Season 1. Episode 1. Disney Channel.
  8. Rachel Vine (writer) and Stu Livingston (director) (January 17, 2020). "Witches Before Wizards". The Owl House. Season 1. Episode 2. Disney Channel.
  9. 9.0 9.1 Dana Terrace, Rachel Vine, Manuel Jesse Nieto Jr. (writers) and Stu Livingston (director) (January 31, 2020). "The Intruder". The Owl House. Season 1. Episode 4. Disney Channel. — King: "Hooty controls the house lights. He probably just fell asleep."
  10. Dana Terrace, Rachel Vine, Manuel Jesse Nieto Jr. (writers) and Stu Livingston (director) (January 31, 2020). "The Intruder". The Owl House. Season 1. Episode 4. Disney Channel.
  11. Dana Terrace, Rachel Vine, John Bailey Owen, Charley Feldman, Jeff Trammell (writers) and Stu Livingston (director) (February 21, 2020). "Hooty's Moving Hassle". The Owl House. Season 1. Episode 6. Disney Channel.
  12. Dana Terrace, Rachel Vine, Charley Feldman (writers) and Aminder Dhaliwal (director) (March 6, 2020). "Once Upon a Swap". The Owl House. Season 1. Episode 8. Disney Channel.
  13. Zach Marcus (writer) and Amelia Lorenz (director) (June 12, 2021). "Separate Tides". The Owl House. Season 2. Episode 1. Disney Channel.
  14. Zach Marcus (writer) and Amelia Lorenz (director) (July 3, 2021). "Keeping Up A-fear-ances". The Owl House. Season 2. Episode 4. Disney Channel.
  15. Dana Terrace (writer) and Bridget Underwood (director) (August 7, 2021). "Eclipse Lake". The Owl House. Season 2. Episode 9. Disney Channel.
  16. Dana Terrace, Molly Ostertag (writers) and Bo Coburn (director) (August 14, 2021). "Yesterday's Lie". The Owl House. Season 2. Episode 10. Disney Channel.
  17. Zach Marcus (writer) and Bridget Underwood (director) (March 26, 2022). "Elsewhere and Elsewhen". The Owl House. Season 2. Episode 12. Disney Channel.
  18. Madeleine Hernandez, John Bailey Owen (writers) and Amelia Lorenz (director) (April 23, 2022). "Hollow Mind". The Owl House. Season 2. Episode 16. Disney Channel.
  19. 19.0 19.1 Mikki Crisostomo (writer) and Bo Coburn (director) (April 30, 2022). "Edge of the World". The Owl House. Season 2. Episode 17. Disney Channel.
  20. Zach Marcus (writer) and Amelia Lorenz (director) (May 14, 2022). "O Titan, Where Art Thou". The Owl House. Season 2. Episode 19. Disney Channel.
  21. 21.0 21.1 Emmy Cicierega, Mikki Crisostomo (writers) and Bosook "Bo" Coburn (director) (May 21, 2022). "Clouds on the Horizon". The Owl House. Season 2. Episode 20. Disney Channel.
  22. Zach Marcus, Dana Terrace (writers) and Bridget Underwood (director) (May 28, 2022). "King's Tide". The Owl House. Season 2. Episode 21. Disney Channel.
  23. Hirsch, Alex (August 16, 2021). "Hooty's voice" (Tweet). Twitter.
  24. "The Owl House: Hooty and the Parliament Music Video". Facebook (December 21, 2019).
  25. "Dana Terrace's AMA". Reddit (September 2, 2020). "There is no beginning. There is no end. There is only... Hooty."
  26. "Dana Terrace's AMA". Reddit (September 2, 2020). "Yes and it's Booty, bc that's what keeps autocorrecting whenever I text about Hooty."
  27. Andrews, Ryan (August 1, 2021). "Here's a close-up of that Hooty anatomy diagram. Not sure what lies past the 2nd set of intestines but I imagine it's equally impressive. #TheOwlHouse". Twitter.

v • e — Characters —
Main Characters Luz Noceda • Eda Clawthorne • King • Hooty
Recurring characters Willow Park • Gus Porter • Amity Blight • Owlbert • Lilith Clawthorne • Hunter • Flapjack
Emperor's Coven Members Emperor Belos • Kikimora • Warden Wrath • Coven Guard • Coven Scout • Flora D'splora
Coven Heads Raine Whispers • Darius Deamonne • Eberwolf • Terra Snapdragon • Adrian Graye Vernworth • Mason • Vitimir • Hettie Cutburn • Osran
Hexside Students and Staff Principal Bump • Principal Faust • Edric Blight • Emira Blight • Mattholomule • Boscha • Professor Hermonculus • Braxas • Viney • Jerbo • Barcus • Bo • Cat • Usurper • Amelia • Skara • Eileen • Moon girl
Glandus Students Bria • Gavin • Angmar
Boiling Isles Citizens Tinella Nosa • Katya • Warden Wrath • Tibbles • Animal Control • Dottie • Merchant • Alador Blight • Odalia Blight • Perry Porter • Piniet • Morton • Roselle • Salty • Gilbert Park • Harvey Park • Gwendolyn Clawthorne • Dell Clawthorne • Amber • Derwin • Malphas • Master Wortlop • Severine • Steve • Keeper
Monsters and Demons Bat Queen • Adegast • Snaggleback • Grometheus • Slitherbeast • The Inspector • Fairy • Jean-Luc • Selkidomus • Owl Beast • Vee • Batric • The Titan • Ghost • Clover • Frewin • Hawksley • Puddles • Emmiline Bailey Marcostimo
Fictional Characters Azura • Hecate • Gildersnake
Other Characters Camila Noceda • Inner Willow • Jacob Hopkins • Inner Belos • The Collector • Tarak • Bill


Source: https://theowlhouse.fandom.com/wiki/Hooty

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